Hawaii artwork by artist Emily Jung Miller Emily Jung Miller Kauai Watercolors

Hawaii Art Prints by Artist Emily Miller

Giclee Reproductions

Archival-quality "giclee" reproductions are available for most images in sizes from 11x14" to 20x30" and larger.

Paper prints are printed on heavy-weight cotton art paper with a subtle texture, similar to watercolor paper.

Canvas-wrapped prints are stretched to a depth of 1.5", printed with UV-resistant inks, and ready to hang.

What is a giclee?

Giclees, also known as pigmented prints or Iris prints, are archival quality prints that closely match the detail, color and texture of the original artwork. First, the artwork is digitally captured using a flatbed scanner or medium format scan-back camera under controlled studio lighting. Next, the image is printed on artist-quality paper or canvas, acid- and lignin-free, and pH neutral. The reproduction is printed at 1440 resolution using 7-color archival pigmented inks that are fade-resistant in gallery conditions for over 75 years. These giclee prints are truly beautiful reproductions that will last a lifetime.

Laser Prints

Laser prints are available for all images in two sizes. Each print is matted and ready to frame in a standard size frame.
  • $ 40   -   8" x 10" print matted to 11" x 14"
  • $ 32   -   5" x 7" print matted to 8" x 10"

Greeting Cards

Greeting cards are available for all images.
Set of 8 A2 greeting cards + envelopes. Choose from a set of 8 identical cards, or mix and match your favorite 8 images. Folded card size: 4.25" x 5.5"
  • $ 30 per set of 8.
Mixed sets of greeting cards available here.